Resident Involvement

There are lots of ways to get involved with us and help improve our services.

KSHC- TMO is an organisation set up by tenants and/ leaseholders to manage the estate.

The TMO has its own legal contract with the Council, known as the management agreement. This agreement outlines what services the TMO is responsible for and what services the council is responsible for. The services provided by TMOs are mainly funded by the management fees paid by the Council under the management agreement.

If you are a Co-op resident there are a lot of opportunities to get involved with us. These include becoming a board member, attending focus groups, scrutinising our services and taking part in online surveys. As well as ensuring that we are providing the highest standards of service, being involved is an excellent way of gaining new skills and meeting new people.

Standards for involving residents

We aim to give residents the chance to have a say in decisions that affect their homes and environment.

Our approach is to:

  • support and encourage residents to play a part in influencing decisions made about their homes and living environment
  • ensure that residents who want to get involved are aware of the opportunities to do so
  • explain how our decisions have been influenced by resident feedback and consultation
  • record your preferences for how you would like to get involve
  • encourage and support the empowerment of residents and build the capacity of individuals and groups.
  • ensure resident involvement reflects the diverse communities on the estate.
  • be innovative and encourage involvement amongst traditionally under-represented groups
  • involve residents in walkabouts  
  • ensure that board members receive relevant training and other resources available to support them.

Our service standards:

  • we will consult with residents and undertake an annual review of the resources and support available for resident involvement
  • we will aim to improve resident satisfaction with our participation opportunities

Download the Board Members Recruitment form

How to become a Co-op member

Hall hire

Request the use of one of our halls or rooms

Events and socials

See what's coming up at Kilburn Square

Get involved

Offer us your help around the estate